Food License Registration

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has been established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 which is a consolidating statute related to food safety and regulation in India. (FSSAI) is an autonomous body established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. The FSSAI appoints food safety authorities on the state level. This act also sets up the formulation and enforcement of food safety standards in India. FSSAI license or FSSAI registration is mandatory any food business. Therefore, any food manufacturing or processing or packaging or distributing entity is now required to obtain a FSSAI License or Registration.




The consumers have become more alert and informative about the quality of the food which they eat. With the number of diets and increasing of the healthy eating food options, people are required to know as to what they are consuming is not just safe but is of really good quality. Thus, food is proving that they have the FSSAI license, which can give you an added advantage of a solid and an increase in the customer base.


When the time comes for your business to expand in other areas or outlets, you can easily do so with the use of your FSSAI license. The license will help you to establish your reputation and also qualification to grow your business in a new direction with ease. Moreover, the license can also make it easier for you to get bank loans and for funding which is required for expansion.


A single license is sufficient to control one or more articles of food and for different establishments or premises in the same local area.


By obtaining FSSAI License, you will get single point access to all laws and departmental controls.

Documents Required

 Form B duly completed and signed

 Plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions and operation-wise area allocation

 List of Directors/ Partners/ Proprietor with address, contact details, and photo ID

 Name and list of equipment and machinery used with the number and installed capacity

 List of food category to be manufactured

 Authority letter from manufacturer nominated a responsible person name and address

 Analysis report of water to be used in the process to confirm the portability

 Source of raw material for milk, meat etc

 Recall plan wherever applicable

 Ministry of Commerce Certificate for 100% EOU

 NOC/PA document issued by FSSAI

 IE code document issued by DGFT

 Form IX

 Certificate from Ministry of Tourism

 Proof of possession of premises

 Partnership deed/ affidavit of proprietorship

 NOC and copy of License from the manufacturer

 Food safety management system plan or certificate

 NOC from the municipality or local body

 Supporting document for proof of turnover and transportation

 Declaration form

State License

 Form B duly completed and signed

 Plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions and operation-wise area allocation

 List of Directors/ Partners/ Proprietor with address, contact details, and photo ID

 Name and list of equipment and machinery used with the number and installed capacity

 List of food category to be manufactured

 Authority letter from manufacturer nominated a responsible person name and address

 Analysis report of water to be used in the process to confirm the portability

 Proof of possession of premises

 Partnership deed/ affidavit of proprietorship

 NOC and copy of License from the manufacturer

 Copy of certificate obtained under Coop Act 1861/Multi state Coop Act 2002

 Food safety management system plan or certificate


 Dairy units which include milk chilling units equipped to handle and process.

 Vegetable oil processing units and units that produce vegetable oil by the process of solvent extraction and refineries that includes oil expeller unit.

 Slaughtering units.

 Meat processing units.

 Food processing units that include relabellers and repackers .

 Proprietary foods.

 100% export oriented units.



 Dairy units which include milk chilling units equipped to handle and process.

 Vegetable oil processing units and units that produce vegetable oil by the process of solvent extraction and refineries that includes oil expeller unit.

 Slaughtering units.

 Meat processing units.

 Food processing units that include relabellers and repackers.

 Proprietary foods.





Fill FSSAI Food License Registration Form A On FSSAI Website And Make The Payment For FSSAI Application At The FBO Nearby Your Locality.


Once The Payment Confirmation Is Reflected In Your FSSAI Account, You Need To File Form B With The Government. There Are Multiple Declarations And Resolutions That Need To Be Filed With Your Application. E.G., Board Resolution, Owner Self-Declaration. These Declarations Should Ideally Be Prepared By A Company Secretary.


You Will Then Need To Follow-Up With The Government Department For An Update On Your Application. The Government May Send Back Your Application For Edits – If You Fail To Respond With 15 Days Of The Application, Then Your Application Will Be Rejected.


The Government Department Will Take 45-60 Working Days To Completely Review Your Application And Approve The Same. Else, You Can Contact My Legal Route Professionals For Getting The FSSAI License For You. We Get License Issued And Save Our Customers From All The Government Hassles.


Food quality not in compliance with act2 Lakh Petty manufacturer – 25,000/-
Sub-standard food5 Lakh
Misbranded Food3 Lakh
Misleading advertisement or false description10 Lakh
Extraneous matter in food1 Lakh
Failure to comply with Food safety officer direction2 Lakh
Unhygienic processing or manufacture1 Lakh


This license is a basic step for obtaining permission for starting a food business in India. Every eligible food operator is required to take before string any food business in India.


FSSAI license can be renewed 30 days before the expiry of original license. You need to provide your current license number to My Legal Route team. We will re-file the Form A and form B for renewal of the application / license. It typically takes 30-40 for renewal of the license. The government fee is same for renewal as for new license issue.

You will need a Central License for the registered office of your company and individual state licenses for each manufacturing unit in particular states.


Yes, you will be required to obtain a central license from the address contained in Import Export Code. For import export FSSAI central license is mandatory.


Yes, FSSAI license is mandatory for both export and import of food products. You will need to apply for FSSAI Central License for your export unit.


Yes, FSSAI license for food activities of any kind including manufacturing, trading, distribution and transportation. Therefore, you shall need a license from FSSAI too.


Yes, all catering establishments, even those under central Government such as Railways, Airport, Seaport, and Defense etc. will have to get a license from FSSAI. In most cases, such establishments need to get FSSAI central license.


Even if the warehouses are located in the same city but different location then a separate license for each location is required. However, if multiple warehouses are on the same campus, a single license is applicable with campus address.